10 Points Should Pay Attentions Before Start Cannabis Plant Business
Morphological characteristics of cannabis An annual erect herb with a height of 1-3 m, branches with longitudinal grooves, and dense gray-white affixed hair. Leaves palmately lobed, lobulate lanceolate or linearly lanceolate, ca. 7-15 cm long, loculate longest, 0.5-2 cm wide, apex acuminate, base narrowly cuneate, surface dark green, slightly pubescent The back is densely covered with grayish white hair and becomes hairless. The edge has a thick serrated inwardly curved shape. The midrib and lateral veins are slightly sunken on the surface, and the back is raised. The petiole is 3-15 cm long and densely covered with grayish white hair; The stipules are linear. Male inflorescences up to 25 cm; flowers yellow-green, perianth 5, membranous, glabrescent outside, stamens 5, filaments very short, anthers oblong; small stalks ca. 2-4 mm long; female flowers green; 1, tightly wrapped ovary, slightly small hair; ovary near spherical, outside the bread in the bracts. The achenes are cover...